New Technologies Applied to Educational Intervention

New Technologies Applied to Educational Intervention

El módulo educativo "Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Intervención Educativa" se enfoca en la exploración y el dominio de las herramientas tecnológicas emergentes para optimizar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. A través de un enfoque teórico-práctico, los participantes se sumergen en el universo de las TIC y su potencial para transformar la educación.

Responsible Orlybella del Carmen Molina Guedez
Completion Time 30 minutes
  • Plan Docente
    • Teaching Plan
  • Contact
    • Teacher Contact
    • Schedule a video call with the tutor
  • Forums
    • Presentation Forum
    • Consultation and Debate Forum
  • Topic 1. Technologies for learning
    • Technologies For Learning
    • The computer as a teaching resource for students with special educational needs (3/3).
  • Topic 2. Author Tools
    • Author Tools
    • Accessibility Options for Technological Tools (3/3).
  • Topic 3. Internet Resources and their use in Education
    • Internet Resources and their use in Education
    • Design of Activities based on Author Tools (2/2).
  • Topic 4. Accessibility Options of Technological Tools
    • Accessibility Options for Technological Tools
    • Internet Resources and their use in Education (3/3).
  • Links of interest
    • Recommended Bibliography
  • Complementary Material
    • Material Complementario
  • Survey and Evaluative Activities
    • Evaluative Activity: Questionnaire
    • Evaluative Activity: Questionnaire
    • Development Evaluative Activity
    • Development Evaluative Activity
    • Satisfaction Survey
  • Module Certificate
    • Module Certificate