Psychopedagogical Resources for Interculturality
In the field of psychopedagogical resources for interculturality, you will explore tools and approaches that promote inclusion and intercultural understanding in the educational context. You will learn about strategies to adapt the curriculum to the cultural diversity present in the classroom, as well as techniques to promote respect, empathy and appreciation of differences. Additionally, you will study the selection and application of teaching materials that reflect cultural diversity, thus promoting an inclusive and enriching learning environment for all students. This course will provide you with the necessary tools to promote equality and mutual respect in the educational environment.
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Teaching Plan Psychopedagogical Resources for Interculturality
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Didactic Guide
Didactic Guide Psychopedagogical Resources for Interculturality
Introduction to the Subject
Introduction to the Subject
Topic 1. The Cultural Fact and Migratory Movements.
Concepto de la Cultura
Los Movimientos Migratorios
Panorámica de la Situación en España
1.1 Concept of Culture / 1.2 Migratory Movements
Topic 2. Identity, Difference and Interculturality
Identidad Cultural
La Construcción de la Diferencia
Actitudes que Resaltan las Diferencias Frente al Hecho Cultural
Enfoques Políticos y Modelos Culturales
Multiculturalidad Frente a Interculturalidad
El Conflicto en las Sociedades Multiculturales
2.1 Cultural Identity / 2.2 The Construction of Difference /2.3 Attitudes that highlight Differences in the face of Cultural Fact
2.4 Political Approaches and Cultural Models / 2.5 Multiculturalism Versus Interculturality / 2.6 Conflict in Multicultural Societies
Topic 3. The Intercultural Curriculum in Multicultural Educational Centers.
El Currículo Intercultural en Centros Educativos Multiculturales
3.1 Intercultural Citizenship
3.2 The School as a Meeting of Cultures
3.3 The Legal Framework in the Spanish State
3.4 Developing an Intercultural Curriculum in Educational Centers
3.5 Models of Centers that Support the Intercultural Curriculum
3.1 Intercultural Citizenship
3.2 The School as a Meeting of Cultures
3.3 The Legal Framework in the Spanish State
3.4 Develop an Intercultural Curriculum in Educational Centers
3.5 Center Models that Favor the Intercultural Curriculum
Topic 4. The Reception of the Student from a Migrant Family: Specific Measures and Programs to Support Integration.
La Acogida del Alumno de Familia Migrante: Medidas y Programas Específicos de Apoyo a la Integración
4.1 Acculturation Phases
4.2 Difficulties for Integration
4.3 Difficulties in the Integration of Foreign Students
4.4 Models for Integration
4.5 Recommendations for the Development of the Welcome / 4.6 Welcome Protocol for Students
El plan de Acogida
4.7 Measures and Programs to Support the Educational Integration of Immigrant Students
4.1 Acculturation Phases
4.2 Difficulties for Integration
4.3 Difficulties for the Integration of Foreign Students
4.4 Models for Integration
4.5 Recommendations for the Development of Reception / 4.6 Reception Protocol for Students
4.7 Measures and Programs to Support the Educational Integration of Immigrant Students
Topic 5. Teacher Training: Methodologies and Strategies for the Intercultural Classroom
5.1 Teacher Training Needs
5.2 Training in Practice
5.3 Strategies and Methodologies for the Classroom
Conclusiónes del Módulo
5.1 Teacher Training Needs
5.2 Training in Practice
5.3 Strategies and Methodologies for the Classroom
Evaluative Activities
Evaluative Activity: Development Activity
Evaluative Activity: Development Activity
Evaluative Activity: Practical Activities Psychopedagogical Resources for Interculturality
Evaluative Activity: Practical Activities Psychopedagogical Resources for Interculturality
Complementary Material
Seville Declaration
Links of Interest
Recommended Bibliography
Satisfaction survey
Satisfaction survey
Module Certificate
Module Certificate