Informações sobre o ISEP INTERNACIONAL LLC instância do Odoo, a ERP de Código Aberto.
Aplicativos Instalados
- Odoo Affiliate Management
- Affiliate extension for odoo E-commerce store
- OpenEduCat Core
- Manage Students, Faculties and Education Institute
- OpenEduCat Core Enterprise
- Based on best of class enterprise level architecture, OpenEduCat is ready to be used from local infrastructure to a highly scalable cloud environment.
- Openeducat Lesson Enterprise
- This module allows you to manage the lesson planning. This module adds feature to manage the session to OpenEduCat.
- OpenEduCat Web
- Manage Students, Faculties and Education Institute
- OpenEduCat Activity
- Manage Activities
- OpenEduCat Admission
- Manage Admissions
- OpenEduCat Admission Enterprise
- This module allows you to manage admission process efficiently. You can set fees details & adds constrains to admission process through admission register.
- OpenEduCat Alumni Blog Enterprise
- This module adds the feature of blog in alumni management system to OpenEduCat. You can create blog and post it online.
- OpenEduCat Alumni Enterprise
- This module allows you to manage details of alumni of institute.
- OpenEduCat Alumni Event Enterprise
- This module adds the feature of event in alumni management system to OpenEduCat. You can create event and post it online.
- OpenEduCat Alumni Job Enterprise
- This module allows alumni to create job post.
- OpenEduCat Assignment
- Manage Assgiments
- OpenEduCat Assignment Enterprise
- This module allows you to manage the assignments easily. Faculty can create assignment, publish it & student can make submission for that.
- OpenEduCat Attendance
- Manage Attendances
- OpenEduCat Attendance Enterprise
- This module allows you to manage the student attendance. You can print absent report for student.
- OpenEduCat Classroom
- Manage Classroom
- OpenEduCat Exam
- Manage Exam
- OpenEduCat Exam Enterprise
- Exam is very important part of any educational institute. Exam module from OpenEduCat helps you managing most of the exam details very easily using Exam module.
- OpenEduCat Exam GPA Enterprise
- This module allows you to give credit points based on GPA(Grade Point Average) system.
- OpenEduCat Facility
- Manage Facility
- OpenEduCat Fees
- Manage Fees
- OpenEduCat Job Enterprise
- Manage Job
- OpenEduCat Notice Board Enterprise
- Manage Notice Board
- OpenEduCat Parent
- Manage Parent
- OpenEduCat Parent Enterprise
- Manage Parent
- OpenEduCat Placement Enterprise
- Manage Placement
- OpenEduCat Placement Job Enterprise
- Manage Placement Job
- OpenEduCat Quiz Management
- Based on best of class enterprise level architecture, OpenEduCat is ready to be used from local infrastructure to a highly scalable cloud environment.
- OpenEduCat Scholarship Enterprise
- This module allows you to have details for scholarship of students.
- OpenEduCat Student Skill Assessment
- Manage Students Skill Assessments
- OpenEduCat Student Attendance Kiosk
- This module aims to manage student's attendances. Keeps account of the attendances of the students via kiosk mode and barcode scanner.
- OpenEduCat Teams
- This module allows you to manage and create calender online meeting using session on Microsoft Teams.
- OpenEduCat Timetable
- Manage TimeTables
- OpenEduCat Timetable Enterprise
- This module adds feature to manage the session to OpenEduCat.
- OpenEduCat Student Progress Enterprise
- This module provides the facility of the Student Progression Report which help the admin and faculty to create the student progression report of all the activities that the student has participated and the student can see their progression by logging into their account.
- Vendas
- De cotações para faturas
- Faturamento
- Faturas & Pagamentos
- Isep - eLearning with Bunny
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- Isep - eLearning External video
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- Isep - eLearning with Scorm
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- OpenEduCat Digital Library
- This Module Adds The Feature Of Digital Library To Read Books In OpenEduCat. You Can Upload Books & Audiobooks And Publish It.
- Rastreie prospectos e feche oportunidades
- Site
- Criador de Sites Enterprise
- Financeiro
- Manage financial and analytic accounting
- Compra
- Pedidos de compra, propostas e acordos
- Projeto
- Organize e planeje seus projetos
- e-Commerce
- Sell your products online
- Marketing de E-mail
- Desenvolva, envie e acompanhe e-mails
- Planilhas de Horas
- Rastrear tempo e custos
- Despesas
- Envie, valide e fature novamente as despesas do funcionário
- Estúdio
- Crie e Personalize aplicações
- Documents
- Document management
- Folga
- Alocar folga e seguir solicitações de folga
- Recrutamento
- Track your recruitment pipeline
- Funcionários
- Centralize a informação dos funcionários
- IA-gpt Calificacion Cursos Extends
- Módulo que por medio de una accion planificada, califica y envia a libreta
- Isep Account Move Field Static
- Modulo que agrega campos estáticos de telefono y correo en la factura
- Account Payment Status Draft - Cancel
- Módulo que permite enviar a borrador y luego cancelar de manera masiva los pagos
- Import Csv para Conciliar Facturas y Estractos Bancarios
- Modulo que permite realizar las conciliaciones bancarias
- Isep crm asig
- Crm asignacion
- ISEP - Checklist of CRM Lead
- Seguimiento de leads
- Isep Cron Send Mail Massive for Time
- Modulo que envia correos masivos con el link de pago como recordatorios
- Custom ecommerce
- Editar estructura de la forma en la que se presentan los productos en la tienda
- Isep Data Call
- Módulo que registra datos del servicio de asistencia
- Isep Data Make
- Módulo que registra los datos para Make
- Isep form card link
- Módulo que envía link de tarjeta para el registro, mediante correo electrónico en periodos mensuales
- isep multi sincrono
- Sincroniza cuando copia los leads a mautic y cuando los actualiza
- Isep Op Sessions
- Módulo para planificar sesiones de manera masiva
- Isep Call Summary Contact
- Módulo que permite almacenar los resúmenes de las llamadas del res.partner
- ISEP Prácticas
- Módulos de Prácticas Migrate
- Isep Group Private Phone/Móvil
- Modulo que oculta los numeros de teléfono y móvil del res.partner
- Isep Program Sepyc
- Módulo que permite activar desde el lote el programa Sepyc
- Isep Modulos de facturas vencidas
- Modulo que hace el conteo de facturas vencidas
- Isep Subscription Cron Invoices
- Módulo para crear con dias anticipados a la fecha de facturacion
- Isep Sale Order Notas
- Módulo para añadir notas internas
- Isep - Pricelist Custom
- Pricelist Custom
- Isep Share link Order Purchase
- Modulo que obtiene el link de la order de compra
- Isep Student Access
- Modulo que permite ver la ultima autenticación del Alumno OpenEducat
- Isep Student Filter Open-Educat
- Modulo filtros al modulo de estudiantes y personalizaciones en la vista form
- Isep survey question result
- Módulo que agregar opción de ver las respuestas de la encuesta de tipo examen
- iseptime_meeting_url_openeducat
- ruta o link para runiones
- Isep Upload Post Forum
- Modulo para cargar foros por archivo CSV
- Isep Elearning add Members for Course
- Módulo que agrega usuarios del sistema a cursos de Elearning para Certificación
- Isep Website Sale Custom Address
- Isep website sale custom Summary
- Conhecimento
- Centralize, gerencie, compartilhe e amplie sua biblioteca de conhecimento
- Typeform Odoo Connector
- Typeform Odoo Connector
- OpenEduCat Approval All in One
- Approval All in One Management
- OpenEduCat Onboarding
- OpenEduCat Onboarding
- Security User Roles
- The tool combines users in roles and simplifies security group assigning. Access group management. Users mass updating. Access groups management. Access organizational structure. Odoo user rights. Access rights. User security roles
- Login As Other User
- Login As Another User Login As Impersonate User Login As Admin Users Login As Super User Login As Portal User Login Without ID Multiple Switch Users Access Odoo Without Login As Different User Odoo
- Redis Session Store
- This module allows you to store the session in Redis in spite of in Filesystem in werkzeug.
- Conector ChatGPT IA helpdesk
- conector ChatGPT con ia entrenada ISEP
- Assinatura de Documentos
- Envie documentos para assinatura online
- Central de Ajuda
- Rastrear tickets de suportes
- Assinaturas
- Generate recurring invoices and manage renewals
- e-Learning
- Gerenciar e publicar uma plataforma de Cursos Online
- Eventos
- Publique eventos, venda ingressos
- Mensagens
- Chat, gateway de e-mail e canais privados
- Contatos
- Centralize seus contatos
- Calendário
- Agente reuniões com funcionários
- Avaliar
- Avalie seus funcionários
- MKT: Automação
- Build automated mailing campaigns
- Campos para migracion
- Campos de apoyo para migracion
- IA-gpt Calificacion Cursos
- Autocalificacion con IA en cursos, contenido de certificaciones
- Chat ao Vivo
- Converse com visitantes de seu site
- Compromissos
- Allow people to book meetings in your agenda
- Pesquisas
- Envie suas pesquisas ou compartilhe-as ao vivo.
- Controle de Presença
- Rastreie a presença de funcionários
- Marketing por SMS
- Planeje, envie e rastreie SMS
- Observações
- Organize your work with memos
- VoIP
- Make calls using a VOIP system
- Payroll
- Manage your employee payroll records
- Conectado
- Manage your online hiring process
Localizações Instaladas / Plano de Contas
- LATAM Localization Base
- LATAM Identification Types
- EDI for Mexico
- Mexican Localization for EDI documents
- EDI v4.0 for Mexico
- Converts the Mexican EDI CFDI documents to version 4.0
- EDI v4.0 for Mexico (COMEX)
- Adds the CommercioExterior Complement to CFDI v4.0
- Odoo Mexican Localization Reports
- Electronic accounting reports - COA - Trial Balance DIOT Report
- Mexico - Month 13 Trial Balance
- Mexico Month 13 Trial Balance Report
- Odoo Mexican XML Polizas Export
- XML Export of the Journal Entries for the Mexican Tax Authorities for a compulsory audit.
- 1099 Reporting
- Easily export 1099 data for e-filing with a 3rd party.
- US Checks Layout
- Print US Checks